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Disruptive logistics, a global trend

Just like the constant changes in the habits of people, businesses and countries, logistics now faces new challenges that must be taken into account in order to optimize the delivery to end users of the products and services that companies now create, produce, distribute and market.

It is therefore necessary to explain the meaning of disruption, which term refers to innovation that is capable of generating radical changes in both existing goods and services, it also refers to the generation of new business models, innovation in technologies that contribute to efficiency, productivity and utility in the use or consumption of goods and services.

Disruptive logistics has also been referred to as logistics 4.0, which is a result of the "fourth industrial revolution", whose premise is to develop supply chains that take advantage of technological tools to generate added value to companies and take them to the highest level; with this in mind, I would like to cite the cases of platforms such as eBay, Amazon, Alibaba, etc., which have not only changed their business model, but have managed to consolidate a fast and specialized logistics chain, and above all, fulfilling the promise of value to their customers.

Some of the trends in world logistics are listed below, in order to contribute to companies with a broadening of the spectrum of variables that must be taken into account when making their strategic planning and how to readjust their logistics processes:

  1. HyperconnectivityCompanies must be clear that customers have tablets, smartphones, laptops, etc., and must take advantage of these tools, either to keep end users updated on delivery status, order processing, payment confirmation of products, to collect information on order times, etc., or perhaps to close negotiations, companies that do not make use of information technologies are destined to fail.
  2. Smart industries and products: It is necessary for companies not only to implement scale production, but also to customize it to meet the changing needs of customers and markets, so the production challenge is to find the middle ground between adjusting costs and producing the quantity that allows them to negotiate raw materials and sell at competitive prices.
  3. Big data and Fast data: One of the most important inputs to adjust the supply chain, make decisions on how much to produce, at what time, etc, are the "data" provided by customers, which is why investing in technology and especially in collecting, storing and analyzing data and turning it into information through the use of Big Data, is relevant; if you still do not have this information, your company will most likely start to lag behind.
  4. Click&mortar and Click&Collect: This is a trend that unites and takes advantage of the best of the traditional world and the digital world, making use of online platforms, through which customers buy online and pick up in physical stores, experiences that are highly valued by customers, especially for the retail channel, whose improvement in delivery times is optimized.
  5. Automation and customization: By anticipating customer needs, you can give your company a competitive advantage by optimizing processes for fast, effective delivery, leading to a great customer experience.
  6. Omnicality: It arises from the need for companies to be able to adapt to today's customers, those customers are interconnected, eager for information and immediacy, customers who, in their relationship with companies, demand a communication that integrates all possible channels, including physical ones, in a coherent and coordinated manner. Thus arises the need for design 360º strategiesthat offer such a satisfactory experience for our customers that they become referrers of our brands.
  7. M-Commerce: The digital approach is an absolutely necessary variable, companies must include in their strategies whether virtual stores, traceability tools to which the customer can access in real time; for example, we must think about the use of "Whats app business", whose APP, allows doing business, generate supporting documents, among other benefits, therefore it is vital to think about how to digitize part or the entire structure of the companies, to expand the range of opportunities.


In order to comply with the above premises, it is necessary not only to have robust technological tools, complete information systems, but also a team of collaborators who have the required skills to respond, make decisions and adapt to change efficiently and quickly; if there are no professionals to support an excellent supply chain, companies will not be as productive as logistics 4.0 requires.

Disruptive logistics also contemplates the implementation of indicators to continuously measure the results of the processes, make decisions, readjust and improve them; without concrete measurements, it will be difficult to foresee market changes, external impacts or other unforeseen circumstances.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that companies must ensure that they have the least amount of inventory, optimizing transportation, distribution, reducing costs, but above all, meeting the customer's needs by delivering a product in excellent condition, in the shortest possible time, generating a simple shopping experience, is what we are looking for today, that companies make our lives easier, save us time and keep us informed.


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