International Trade Experts!

Course: Tariff Classification

Tariff Classification Course Master the world of Tariff Classification and boost your Import and Export business operations. What is Tariff Classification? Tariff classification is an essential process in international trade that involves assigning specific codes to products to determine applicable tariffs and regulations. This course will teach you how to [...]

Course: Customs Valuation

Course Customs Valuation Customs valuation is a technical process through which the taxable base of imported goods is determined for the liquidation of customs duties and other import taxes, which must be performed correctly to avoid penalties. Contents Module I Regulatory framework of customs valuation WTO (GATT), CAN and WCO Decree 1165 and [...]

Workshop Update of the foreign exchange regime

Exchange regime update workshop Formats of the exogenous exchange information Report on drafts in payment of imports of goods - form 1059 Report on reimbursements of exports of goods - form 1060 Report on services operations, transfers and other concepts - form 1062 Information on legalization of customs declarations and values of goods and services - form 1060 Report on services operations, transfers and other concepts - form 1062 Information on legalization of customs declarations and [...]

¡La internacionalización es el camino!

¡La internacionalización es el camino!

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