International Trade Experts!

Opportunities in various sectors in Peru

In our series of interviews with experts in international trade, we had a coffee with Bruno Vilcapuma, a consultant with extensive experience in international trade issues, who talks to us about opportunities in various sectors in Peru.

Binational business opportunities

In our series of interviews with experts in international trade, we had a coffee with Luis Chala, Director of the Colombian-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce, he is an expert in international trade, has extensive experience and tells us about binational business opportunities.

Financial tools for exporting

On Wednesday, September 2, we talked with José Dueñas, an expert consultant from Peru, about FINANCIAL TOOLS FOR EXPORTING, we discussed very interesting topics that provide valuable information so that you can start your way to internationalization.

Peru's business opportunities and logistics situation

On August 10, 2022, we will have a coffee to learn about business opportunities and the logistics situation in Peru, we will be joined by Eileen Chavesta, Director of the International Logistics Committee - WINS.

¡La internacionalización es el camino!

¡La internacionalización es el camino!

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