International Trade Experts!

Business opportunity in Indonesia

Indonesia - Sebastián Sterzer

COEX CORPORATION extends the invitation to participate in the Webinar: "Doing Business in Indonesia 🇮🇩 ", a space in which Sebastian SterzerThe expert consultant based in this country, will give us a socio-economic introduction, as well as a brief review of its export-import statistics, going on to comment on the main sectors that energize the economy and business in the country; in addition, he will share with us the opportunities and how to do business with this great country. Not to be missed!

Sebastian Sterzer
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The video presents business opportunities in Indonesia, including the import of Latin American meat, growth in the mining sector, the import of fruits from Chile, Argentina and Peru, and the export of automotive and agro-industrial products to Latin America. It also highlights the importance of studying Indonesia's culture and productive sectors in order to establish business alliances.

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