International Trade Experts!

Course: Customs Valuation

Customs Valuation Course

The customs valuation is a technical process by which the taxable base is determined from imported goods for the liquidation from the rights customs and the other import taxes, which must be carried out correctly to avoid penalties.


Module I

  • Regulatory framework for customs valuation
    • WTO (GATT), CAN and WCO
    • Decree 1165 and Resolution 046 of 2019
    • Political Constitution of Colombia
    • Civil Code
    • Resolution of permanent value adjustments.

Module II

  • Customs valuation methods
    • First: Transaction Value of the imported goods
    • Second: Transaction Value of identical merchandise
    • Third: Transaction Value of similar goods
    • Fourth: Deductive Value Method
    • Fifth: Reconstructed Value Method
    • Sixth: "Last Resort" Method

Speaker profile

Carmenza Andrade: COEX ConsultantExpert in international trade and logistics with more than 18 years of experience, dealing with import and export regimes; special import and export systems, market studies inside and outside Colombia, extensive knowledge of customs legislation as well as the exchange regime, merceology, international logistics, supply chains; university professor, lecturer, advisor, consultant and business trainer at international level.


Option 1:

  • 6 Fridays continuous
  • 2 hours per session
  • 12 hours total
  • 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15.

Option 2

  • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
  • 3 hours per session
  • 12 hours total
  • From 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  • Start date: August 29
  • End date: September 05


  • Value: $ 650.000 + VAT
  • 15% discount through May 18, 2022
  • Modality: Virtual, live.


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