International Trade Experts!

Workshop Update of the foreign exchange regime

Workshop to update the foreign exchange regime

  • Formats of exogenous foreign exchange information
  • Report on drafts in payment of imports of goods - form 1059
  • Report on drawback of exports of goods - format 1060
  • Report on services operations, transfers and other items - format 1062
  • Information on legalization of customs declarations and values paid for goods - form 1067
  • New content of format 1070 - report of absence of transactions to be reported
  • Disbursement and amortization of external debt operations - format 1061
  • Penalty regime (main infractions)
  • Practical exercise new exchange prevalidator.

Speaker profile

Andrea Flórez Castillo: COEX Consultant, Professional in International Trade with extensive experience in the management of clearing accounts, purchases, electronic banking processes, treasury, import, export, exchange and customs regime, control of external debt operations and management of the SAP FI financial management module.

Consultative sales and commercial management with suppliers of business solutions in the Information Technology sector (foreign trade products - exchange and customs regime), with working skills in adaptability, analytical skills, organization, planning and attention to detail.


  • Tuesday to Friday
  • 8 hours total
  • Modality: Virtual, live.
  • Start date: June 14
  • Completion date: June 17


  • Value: $ 550,000 + VAT (COP)
  • 15% discount through May 18, 2022


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